Circum® Double efficiency of interdental cleaning.

Circum® -
Double interdental cleaning efficiency.

Products in constant evolution

Research and development are the result of our products. Our collaborations with professionals in the world of oral health allow us to create certified products and ensure their constant evolution.

Handles for interdental brushes

Interdental cleaning has never been so pleasant.

Conscious and sustainable dental care

Discover the products of the I Care line, entirely made with natural wood coming from the Black Forest.


Take advantage of our online advice service to help you find the most suitable products for your needs.

Our experts will advise you competently on all our dental prophylaxis products.< /p>

The benefits of Xylitol for oral health

Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in vegetables and fruits. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the anti-caries effect of Xylitol when regularly consumed.


Our flagship products

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